

The TLFS program runs over 3 months, with three plenary sessions accompanied by weekly group calls supported by a practitioner coach. The sessions build upon each other to foster your capacities and abilities to be a truly transformational leader and practitioner.


Program structure



2, 3, 4, 5 September


Who do we need to be to create the change we want to see? How do we listen deeply for shared values and opportunities to leverage change? How do we keep an eye on the big picture as we work to solve problems, shift systems and activate potential? What is it that motivates us and keeps us committed to our work in the face of setbacks and breakdowns?


14, 15, 16 October


How do we design our projects and align grants and strategic plans to simultaneously solve problems, shift systems, and activate our own and our community’s potential for change? How do we see and address the larger systems inherent in the problems we are trying to solve? How do we plan and implement differently to create the impact we want to see?


25, 26, 27 November


How do we hold multiple perspectives and transcend divisiveness while adhering to universal values? How do we transform inequitable and unsustainable systems and cultures to promote and scale systemic change? How do we align multiple projects and initiatives toward a unified goal, and measure the outcomes over time? How do we empower others to lead the changes they wish to see?

The program runs from 8:30am - 4.30pm each day, except 5 September which is a half day. Participants are expected to attend all days in all three sessions.


Learning in action - bring your initiative

You will have the opportunity to work specifically on a case, an initiative or project you are currently working on and passionate about, or something you would like to initiate. This is your breakthrough initiative.


In groups of three, you will connect and engage weekly to support each others growth and practice, and connect with your practitioner coach. This is a highly valued and trusted forum that many participants choose to continue with after completing the three plenary sessions.

Alumni Network

After the program, participants will be invited into the TLFS Alumni Network with regular opportunities to continue practicing, connecting, and learning together, as well as to receive support from the cCHANGE team and network.

Who should participate

TLFS is comprehensive, yet accessible to all. We believe that a diverse group of committed people learning together over time brings new insights, perspectives and builds powerful partnerships for results.

  • Appropriate for all levels of leadership and experience.

  • We encourage you to bring 2-3 from your organization to support implementation.

  • We care about the financial accessibility of TLFS. We offer a reduced rate for people with limited economic means, to allow for diverse and broad participation across age, backgrounds, themes and sectors.

  • A limited number of partial stipends will be available for young applicants.

Please note that the program will run in English. We have Norwegian speaking practitioner coaches who can support your if you are unsure about the language.

Application process


There is are limited spaces. Offers of admission will be made based on application, diversity and availability of seats in the program.

Applications are accepted from September, 2024. Participants will be notified if their application is successful within two weeks of applying. As in previous years we aim to have a diverse group of participants, ensuring that we have participants from different age groups, backgrounds, fields, and sectors.

Program fee
NOK 75 000,-

We offer a 10% discount for two or more from the same organization, and encourage you to apply together to amplify the outcomes for your organization.

Reduced rate
The financial accessibility of TLFS is very important to us and in all our programs we offer a rate for people with limited economic means. We have limited number of spaces at a reduced rate. Notify us in the application if you believe you are eligible.

NOK 45 000,- 

Stipends: A limited number of partial stipends will be available for people under the age of 30 who do not have the financial means to attend the program.

The fee includes admission, all program material, lunch and refreshments during each session. The fee does not include travel and accommodation expenses. See the application form for our cancellation policies.